Strategic Priorities

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Since its inception in 2013, UMP has grown in leaps and bounds surpassing the expected norms. Guided by the preceding Strategic Plan, UMP Vision 2022, the university pursued its vision and mission achieving 96,4% of the implementation measures outlined in the plan. This has laid a solid foundation from which the ambitions of the new Strategic Plan can be realised. This context and the continuing rapid growth of the university informed the stance of the new strategic plan. This plan consolidates the gains of UMP Vision 2022, while introducing new goals that are complementary and critical to building a sustainable and resilient institution. Thus, the new Strategic Plan is designated as UMP Vision 2030. In as much as UMP Vision 2030 seeks to build on UMP Vision 2022, it acutely addresses the aspiration to be a high performing university, implementing strategies that achieve UMP’s vision and mission, guided by their values, and cognizant of the opportunities and constraints of the external environment.
  • Strategic Area 1:
    Governance and Strategic Leadership and Management

  • Establish an overall institutional environment supporting good governance strategic leadership and management.
  • Strategic Area 2:
    Research and Innovation

  • Establish an institutional environment conducive to high impact scholarship, research and innovation.
  • Strategic Area 3:
    Teaching and Learning

  • Establish a set of high quality, relevant and responsive academic programmes which deliver the University’s graduate attributes.
  • Strategic Area 4:
    Institutional Support

  • Establish iconic infrastructure, quality estate and other support services and effective systems and processes aligned with the institution’s strategic direction and which contribute to an inspiring and conducive academic and working environment. Establish integrated institutional planning systems and institutional support systems and services advancing the institution’s overall strategic and operational goals.
  • Strategic Area 5:
    Quality Student Experience

  • Provide a student centred support system for the holistic development of students.
  • Strategic Area 6:
    Engagement and Partnerships

  • To establish the pursuance of collaborative engagement and partnerships as a prevailing institutional practice.
  • Strategic Area 7: 

  • To establish UMP’s financial sustainability and sound financial management and control systems.
  • Strategic Area 8:
    Human Resources

  • To promote an enabling HR environment that enhances performance.