
On the landing page of alumni and Convocation add the following information:
The UMP Convocation was launched on 4 August 2018 according to the Convocation Constitution and the UMP Statute, Convocation members were welcome by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Thoko Mayekiso and in her remarks she defined Convocation as “a group of people formally assembled for a specific purpose-mostly ecclesiastical or academic
  1. The Convocation consists of –
    1. all persons who have obtained a qualification from the University, as approved by the Senate and the Council;
    2. all the persons, other than persons referred to in subparagraph (c), who immediately before the commencement of this Statute were members of the Convocation of the University; and
    3. the Vice-Chancellor, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor(s), the Executive Officials, the Registrar, the Deans of faculties, the academic employees on the staff establishment of the University, professor’s emeriti, retired academic employees and such other persons as the Council may determine.
  1. The functions of the Convocation are to -
    1. facilitate liaison between the University and its former students and academic employees;
    2. create networks and canvass support for the strategic objectives of the University, and
    3. organise former students and academic staff members of the University with a view to facilitating representation of this constituency on appropriate governance structures.
  1. Responsible Office
  • The Registrar of the University must keep the official roll of the Convocation
  • (the members' list) and a member is required to maintain the registration of his or her name and address with the Registrar and notify him or her of any change of addressThe official roll of the Convocation is conclusive evidence of membership of the Convocation and only a person whose name appears on the roll at the time of his or her claiming the right to vote as a member of the Convocation is entitled to do so.
  1. The Registrar must remove a member's name from the members' list as soon as this is feasible after notice of the resignation or death of a member.
  1. The Executive Committee of the Convocation consists of the President, the
Vice-President, the Secretary and a maximum of two additional members elected by the general meeting of the Convocation.
  1. The Executive Committee of the Convocation meets at least once a semester to attend to the affairs of the Convocation in consultation with the University Management.
  2. The provisions of paragraph 48 of the statute with the necessary changes will apply to the election, and arrangements in the case of death or resignation of the additional members elected to the Executive Committee of the Convocation. ( ADD HYPERLINK OF THE STATUTE ATTACHEMENT ON THE WORD “ STATUTE”  )
  3. The Executive Committee of the Convocation determines its own meeting procedures with due observance of generally accepted norms and practices of fair administrative process.
  4. The Executive Committee of the Convocation is accountable to the general meeting of the Convocation and reports regularly on its activities between meetings.
  5. Executive Officials of the University are not eligible to serve on the Executive Committee of the Convocation.