One of the goals of the Academic Plan for UMP is Teaching Excellence and one of the objectives is to reward effective, innovative and dynamic teaching. The University in teaching promotes, recognizes and rewards excellent teaching; acknowledges and rewards the top educators at UMP and in each Faculty; encourages excellence in teaching & learning and the Scholarship of teaching & learning (SoTL) amongst emerging and established academics; encourages, recognizes and rewards innovation and development in teaching practice and; encourages research in teaching & learning and SoTL.
Excellence Award Categories in Teaching
The Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished
Teacher of the Year
This gives recognition to the top teacher at UMP who has made a sustained contribution to teaching and learning and the SoTL.
Faculty Teacher of the Year
In this category, recognition is given to a staff member who has made the most significant contribution to teaching and the SoTL in the Faculty during the year.
Faculty Emerging Teacher of the Year
This category recognizes the young or emerging academics, up to Senior Lecturer level, who have made the most significant contribution to teaching and SoTL in the Faculty during the year.
Team Excellence in Teaching
In this category, recognition is given to a team of staff members including at least one member of the Academic Support Services Division who has made the most significant contribution to teaching and SoTL during the year.
UMP Teaching Excellence Awards
Prof Gordon O'Brien
Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Sciences Emerging Teacher of the Year
Award Year 2020
Dr Nokuthula Khanyile
Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Sciences Emerging Teacher of the Year
Award Year 2021
UMP 2021 Teaching & Learning Awards
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