Research Support

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The UMP has developed research policies that are relevant to the development of staff who are new to research, young and emerging researchers and established researchers.
  • Conference Attendance

  • By attending conferences, staff members are afforded the opportunity to demonstrate their intellectual capabilities and scholarship while at the same time benefiting from international or local peer review and interaction to improve quality of paper for ultimate publication (in refereed journals).
  • Publication Page Fees

  • The University encourages Publication of researchers’ work by paying the page fees provided the work is published in accredited journals and book chapters comply with the DHET requirements. 
  • Research Support Fund

  • This fund is to foster research in the University by supporting research geared towards innovation and new knowledge production that lead to measurable outputs. It also supports and encourages young academics (particularly at the beginning phase of their research careers) and senior academics to engage in research.
  • Research Sabbatical

  • Staff can apply to be absent from work and be released from normal duties for a period of normally one or two semesters to engage in approved scholarly or creative activity. Research sabbatical provides staff with a unique opportunity for self-development, career enhancement and production of research which supports University research priorities and strategy such as the improvement research outputs and the qualification profile of staff.


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