Professor Mahlomaholo, formerly the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Learning at the University of Zululand (UNIZULU), joins UMP as Research Professor of Education starting in November 2020 at the Siyabuswa Campus
He launched his academic career as an assistant teacher and moved up to lecturer at Sefikeng College before becoming the Deputy Dean in the Faculty of Education at the University the North, Qwaqwa Campus, and held several positions including Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Research at the Walter Sisulu University from January 2017 to December 2018.
Professor Mahlomaholo was also Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of the Free State before moving to Senior Professor and Head of the Mathematics and Natural Science Education Department at the University of the Free State.
In August 2009, Professor Mahlomaholo was the Research Professor in the Faculty of Education at the North-West University in Potchefstroom and before that he was the Professor and the Director of the Curriculum Development Unit at the Central University of Technology.
Professor Mahlomaholo has been involved in a few community engagement projects, which includes coordinating the South African chapter of the International Project for the Mathematical attainment comprising 17 other countries across the globe. He was also the Research Development officer for the Southern Africa Association for Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education and Vice Chairperson of Primary Maths-Project South Africa.
Professor Mahlomaholo also holds a Certificate in Instrumental Enrichment, Assessment and Intervention Techniques from Witwatersrand University.
The University of Mpumalanga welcomes Professor Mahlomaholo and the positive contribution he brings to the institution.
@ UMP Communication Division. Picture Supplied.