University, Newsletter
29 July 2021
From our humble beginnings in 2014 and our first graduation ceremony in 2017, which produced 203 graduates, this year we have more than tripled those numbers. We have extended and added to our programme offerings and we have enrolled many more students. 

All of this during a time when the whole world was in turmoil. I commend you all for your unbreakable spirits and your determination to succeed despite the many obstacles that were placed in your path and along your journey. May you tackle the future with as much determination and always look back to this time, a time where obstacles were overcome, a time where adapting to change was the only way, and a time where there was always hope! Go boldly into the future knowing that there is nothing you cannot overcome. 
To 2021 graduates, I would like to commend you for persevering and making the best of what has been extremely trying times.
I wish there was an award for Excelling in Academia through a Pandemic, because each of you deserves it! This is a moment of pride in your achievements and anticipation for the opportunities, challenges and accomplishments that lie ahead. Well done on this momentous occasion in your lives, and thank you for choosing UMP as the vessel through which you will better not only your own lives, but also those of everyone around you. 
For those of you still on your journey to becoming graduates, never forget or take for granted your fellow travelers. Let me repeat to you what I had said to the class of 2021 during our virtual graduation ceremony: The academic journey can never be complete without others walking alongside it with you. The purpose of those fellow travellers in this life is to cheer you, to inspire you, to cajole you, to encourage you, indeed to exhort you, prod you, and spur you on. 

Internalize this message and let it inspire you along the way. We are indeed stronger together! 

I hope the grad stories in this month's newsletter inspire you all. In challenging times such as these we need inspiration, we need hope, and we need to know that there is a way. The class of 2021 has certainly shown us that it is possible! 

Professor Thoko Mayekiso 