The University of Mpumalanga (UMP) is proud to announce that it has acquired a SCIEX Triple Quad 5500+ LC-MS/MS – QTRAP Ready System worth R10 million through the National Research Foundation’s (NRF) National Equipment Programme. This equipment grant was made possible through efforts of UMP academics: Prof Victor Mlambo, Dr Obiro Wokadala, and Dr Zakheleni Dube.
This state-of-the-art equipment will be used across key applications in pharmaceutical drug discovery and development, environmental monitoring, and protein quantification, amongst other. External collaborators will also make use of this equipment, at a reduced cost, including the Citrus Research Institute (CRI) that will conduct analyses as part of studies on pre-, and post-harvest changes in citrus, and the Agricultural Research Council’s Institute for Tropical and Sub-Tropical Crops.
UMP is excited about this system as it will advance research in the fields of inter alia agriculture, ecology, nature conservation, environmental sciences, and food safety and food security. A major advantage is that students will be provided with an opportunity to use triple quad technology.
About the Equipment
The system is a high sensitivity, bench top triple quadrupole mass spectrometer designed for LC-MS/MS analyses. It also provides excellent robustness, and long-term stability for fast chromatography applications. While having the capability to function like a standard triple quad LC-MS/MS, it also doubles as a linear ion trap (LIT); technology that can perform a multitude of additional workflows beyond basic multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) for better specificity and quantitative performance.